Selamat Datang di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai

   Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT karena atas berkat rakhmat dan hidayah_NYA. Ini adalah website resmi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai. Website ini adalah media untuk memperkenalkan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai pada masyarakat. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai telah menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul, mandiri, inovatif, dan berkarya secara profesional baik dalam skala daerah, nasional maupun internasional dalam bidang ekonomi manajemen dan akuntansi.

Kurikulum yang telah digunakan dan dikembangkan saat ini telah sesuai kurikulum Program Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Dukungan sarana dan prasarana perkuliahan yang memadai dan dosen-dosen yang ahli dibidangnya. Kebijakan kami adalah melanjutkan apa yang telah dirintis sebelumnya dengan menyempurnakan hal-hal yang sudah baik, dan memperbaiki hal-hal yang kurang baik guna menciptakan suasana akademik yang mendukung, sustainability, efficiency dan productivity, disertai dengan pertolongan dan petunjuk Allah SWT.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.


Bandar Lampung, 7 Juni 2021





Why Study With Us?
From Last 30 years we are in industy and have honor.

Special Techniques
We are providing special visual teaching techniques to help you grow faster.

Qualified Staff
Our Qualified best teachers from industry give you best professional Knowledge.

Get Admission
Rush before all seats are reserved for current batch.


What Parent’s Say About Us?

Very happy to find this institute!

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional!

Maria Doe

Maria Jhon

Staff Behaviour

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional!

Maria Doe

Maria Jhon

Very happy to find this institute!

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional!

Maria Doe

Jhon Doe

Staff behaviour

After graduation we were very worried about our children what he will do as he does not have any work experience but when he joined this abc institute this he became so professional!

Maria Doe

Jhon Doe

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